Giving Through Retirement Plans

Retirement plans offer multiple benefits to donors who are interested in making both current and deferred gifts.

We offer three up-to-date on-demand publications to educate your donors about the ease of making a gift in this way as well as the tax advantages: "Giving Through Retirement Plans," "Making Retirement Accounts Less Taxing" and "Q&A About Retirement Plan Giving." To download PDF previews for content review, see buttons below.

To order "Giving Through Retirement Plans," click here. "Making Retirement Accounts Less Taxing," "Q&A About Retirement Plan Giving" and other titles can be ordered here

Learn more about the importance of QCDs, read RMDs and QCDs—The Time Is Now from Sharpe Insights and the blog "QCDs: A Need-to-Know Basis."

retirement plan brochures

Tips for Using These Publications

  • Identify donors who are most likely to give through retirement plans and send as a targeted mailing.
  • Send as a follow-up piece after a donor visit or in response to an online inquiry.
  • Hand out at an educational event with your major and potential major donors.
  • Mail to donors who have made QCDs in the past.